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Two days off work for donating blood and its components during the epidemic

Plasma or blood donation is a noble gesture, which the government has decided to honour with special treatment during the epidemic. Apart from the two days off work – what other benefits are afforded to voluntary donors under the latest regulations?

The Act of 21 January 2021 amending the act on the specific solutions related to preventing, counteracting and eradicating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, as well as certain other acts has introduced additional entitlements for individuals who donate blood and/or plasma during the epidemic or the state of epidemic threat. They came into effect as of 26 January 2021.

2 days off work

Under the Act – pursuant to the newly added article 9a following article 9 – “a voluntary blood donor who has donated blood or its components, including plasma after a COVID-19 infection″ is entitled to time off work and relief from official duties “on the day they donate blood or its components and on the day after that”. Please note that this benefit applies on condition that a state of epidemic threat or state of epidemic has been announced.

When determining remuneration for the time off work / off duty, in situations where regulations provide that the employee retains their right to remuneration, one should follow the principles applicable when determining remuneration for annual leave, and the components of remuneration which are calculated as a mean amount should be based on the month during which the worker was entitled to time off work or off duty.

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Fare discounts on public transport

Another new entitlement for blood donors (of course, while the state of epidemic threat or the state of epidemic is in place) is a 33% discount “on domestic travel on public transport:

  • by rail in the 1st and 2nd class of local and interregional trains, and by bus on regular and limited-stop services,
  • by rail in 2nd class trains on services other than local and interregional
    – with fares paid by single tickets.

There is one condition however: the blood donor needs to have “made no less than 3 donations of blood or its components, including plasma after a COVID-19 infection”.

The benefit applies for 6 months after receiving the certificate of donation of blood or its components.

A voluntary blood donor who is entitled to a discounted rail fare in 2nd class trains on services other than local and interregional, and who nevertheless decides to ride in the 1st class “is obliged to make an additional payment amounting to the difference between the full-price 1st class fare and the full-price 2nd class fare”.

Documentation of blood donor entitlements

The entitlement to two days off work or off duty is evidenced by a certificate issued by a blood donor centre – regional, military or ministerial (supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration).

On the other hand, the entitlement to discounted fares on public transport is documented by a certificate confirming at least 3 donations, issued by a blood donor centre – regional, military or ministerial. The certificate should include: (1) date of issue of the certificate, (2) blood donor’s full name, (3) blood donor’s PESEL number, and (4) information about making 3 donations of blood or its components, including plasma after a COVID-19 infection.

AUTHOR: Monika Rosa, Specialist, Outsourcing

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