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Tax advisory services

Grant Thornton tax advisory services provide comprehensive solutions to tax problems and help businesses develop solutions and structures to optimise tax liabilities.

Get in touch

Małgorzata Samborska

Partner, Tax Advisor

Our commitment and individual approach to clients have been recognized by the Gazeta Prawna daily, which ranked our firm 4th in the 12th Ranking of Tax Advisory Businesses in the category: large firms (more than 10 licensed tax advisers).

Our tax advisory services:

Ongoing tax advisory

  • What is the goal of ongoing tax advisory?

    Ongoing tax advisory services aim to support you in the tax-related aspects of management as well as in correct and conscientious fulfilment of tax obligations.

  • What is the scope of service?

    Our services include, but are not limited to: solving clients’ tax problems, providing tax interpretation of current business events, review of contracts in terms of tax consequences, as well as development and support in implementation of tax optimisation strategies.

  • Contact us

    Maciej Hadas, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 693 333 267

    Małgorzata Samborska, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 609 452 377

Transfer pricing

  • What is the goal of ongoing transfer pricing services?

    Transfer pricing services aim to eliminate or at least reduce the tax risks involved in transactions between related entities and optimisation of tax liabilities resulting from those transactions.

  • What is the scope of service?

    Our services include, but are not limited to: analysis of tax risks involved in transactions with related entities, drawing up the legally required tax documentation for transactions and developing transfer pricing policies and principles for accounting between related entities. We also specialize in assigning profits to a permanent establishment of a foreign enterprise operating in Poland and analysis / drawing up agreements between related entities (including cost sharing agreements).

  • Contact us

    Anatol Skitek, Partner
    T: +48 661 538 546

Tax audit

  • What is the goal of tax audit?

    Tax audit is a comprehensive examination of tax settlements for correctness, in order to diagnose and minimise or eliminate any irregularities and the resulting potential tax risks. Moreover, a tax audit is a highly effective tool for optimising tax liabilities, providing real opportunities for improving financial results.

  • What is the scope of service?

    At the end of the review, we write up a report providing: a diagnosis of irregularities and issues generating tax risks, as well as an assessment of tax consequences related to issues raised by the client. We also provide recommendations of correct solutions and activities helping reduce or eliminate potential tax risks.

  • Contact us

    Katarzyna Ciesielska, Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 601 723 540

Tax proceedings

  • What is the goal of tax proceedings services?

    Supporting taxpayers in their dealings with tax authorities and proceedings before administrative courts requires specialist knowledge as well as familiarity with and fluency in using the available procedures.

  • What is the scope of service?

    Depending on your needs and expectations, our involvement may cover comprehensive advisory services, including representing you in the course of proceedings at the successive instances and before administrative courts, or may be limited to drawing up documents in the course of proceedings.Our support covers issues related to income taxes, goods and services tax (VAT), excise duty, tax on civil law transactions, local taxes and customs duties.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Samborska, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 609 452 377

Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) – generation and verification

  • What is the goal of tax proceedings services?

    The goal of the service is to provide comprehensive support with respect to generating and verifying the consistency and completeness of the Polish equivalent of the Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) – Jednolity Plik Kontrolny (JPK).

  • What is the scope of SAF-T service?

    SAF-T implementation may cover all or selected SAF-T structures (Accounting books, Bank statements, Stock, VAT purchases and sales record, VAT invoices, Revenue and expense ledger, Revenue record). We can also verify SAF-T files prepared by other providers for correct data formats and consistency with the structure presented by the Ministry of Finance.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Samborska, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 609 452 377

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Applications to the Minister of Finance for interpretation

  • What is the goal of ongoing tax advisory?

    A favourable tax ruling issued by the Minister of Finance is a valuable tool which enables safe tax planning. Grant Thornton tax advisers provide assistance in the process of applying to the Minister of Finance for an individual interpretation of tax law.

  • What is the scope of service?

    The service includes: drawing up professional applications for a written interpretation of tax law, supervision over the process of issuing the interpretation to ensure that a satisfactory answer is issued as soon as possible and applying for interpretations issued under the Economic Freedom Act. We also assist in appealing against unfavourable interpretations of the Minister of Finance.

  • Contact us

    Maciej Hadas, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 693 333 267

Tax Reliefs in Poland: R&D, IP Box, for prototype, for expansion, for robotization

In the Polish tax system there are reliefs that may prove attractive to enterprises planning innovative undertakings or investments in robotization. Also companies that launch new products on the market may benefit from tax support. In order to benefit from tax reliefs, certain conditions must be met. It is also important to note that some tax preferences can be used simultaneously.

  • What is the goal of this service?

    Properly implemented tax reliefs can provide significant support to Polish entrepreneurs, so it is worth considering the possibility of taking advantage of them.

  • What is the scope of tax relief services?

    We can support you in analysis of eligibility, implementation of internal documentation for the application of tax reliefs. Our experts prepare calculations, applications for a binding ruling and the tax relief report containing the most important information related to the tax relief. The report along with a defense file (security document) is helpful in case of questions from the tax authorities – we can represent you then as well.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Samborska, Senior Manager, Tax Adviser
    T: +48 609 452 377

Tax compliance

  • What is the goal of tax compliance?

    The goal of the tax compliance service provided by Grant Thornton tax advisers is to support you in drawing up tax returns.

  • What is the scope of tax compliance?

    Depending on your needs, the scope of our works may cover reviewing pre-prepared tax calculations for compliance with bookkeeping records, or drawing up tax returns with an in-depth review of data underlying the tax base. The tax compliance service is often combined with a tax review, covering all factors affecting tax calculation or selected areas of the client’s operations.

  • Contact us

    Edward Nieboj, Managing Partner
    T: +48 693 333 386

VAT registration

Cross-border transactions including transfer of goods as well as service provision may create obligation to settle VAT in Poland – typical events when one may require VAT registration are for example exceeding distance sales threshold or transferring own goods from territory of EU Member State to Poland under certain circumstances.

  • What is the goal of VAT registration services?

    Our tax advisors provide comprehensive support to ensure compliance with local VAT regulations.

  • What can we do for you?

    Our experts can: confirm existance of VAT obligations in Poland, draw up registration application in order to obtain tax identification number and VAT number on the basis of documents provided by the Client, as well as support in contact with the tax authorities during the whole process.

  • Contact us

    Elżbieta Ślusarczyk, Manager
    T: +48 661 538 561

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Tax advisory services

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Małgorzata Samborska

Partner, Tax Advisor

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Małgorzata Samborska

Partner, Tax Advisor

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