GrantThornton - regions

International desks

Embracing the challenges related to globalization and the growing importance of foreign investment, we give you a dedicated team of professionals to support foreign investors growing their business in Poland.

Get in touch

Jolanta Jackowiak

Partner, International Liaison Director

So if you are looking for new markets, planning expansion through mergers and acquisitions, thinking about opening a shared service centre, pursing further development of your business in Poland, we have experts for you who not only have the relevant expertise, but also present a global outlook, best practices and cultural competence in international relations.

Through our offices operating within the global network of Grant Thornton firms, International desks in Poland facilitate cooperation with the country of the investor’s registered office and the countries where they do business.


German Desk

Poland is a particularly attractive target for business expansion for enterprises from German-speaking countries. The volume of trade between Poland and Germany reaches record high, and one in three products exported from Poland goes to Germany.

At Grant Thornton, we have launched the German Desk, dedicated to providing a comprehensive service to clients from German-speaking countries. Our team, with years of experience in working with enterprises from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, has extensive knowledge of those markets, cultural similarities and differences, as well as strong language and business skills. Together with a team of nearly 700 people in Poland, more than 1000 in Germany, and the teams in Austria and Switzerland, we effectively deliver projects involving these countries.

Our solutions:

Contact now

Marcin Diakonowicz, Partner
T: +48 664 199 153 M:

Jolanta Jackowiak, Partner
T: +48 601 934 173 M:

Central Europe Desk (CEE Business Group)

The CEE region offers tremendous opportunities for expansion.

The appetite for investing in this part of Europe among businesses from Western Europe, USA and Asia is growing steadily. Both large international corporations and family businesses are keen to bring their business to CEE countries.

At the same time, more and more enterprises from Central and Eastern Europe express an interest in developing outwards in Western Europe, Asia or Africa, and building global empires in their respective business sectors.

We are convinced that Central and Eastern Europe stands to reinforce its position as a key destination for global investors. That is why within the Grant Thornton network we have set up the GT CEE Group, which is there to support you in pursuing your development plans in Poland or other CEE countries. Our team with thousands of specialists, working locally and internationally, will deliver the optimal solutions for you.

Our Central Europe Desk offers:

Contact now

Jolanta Jackowiak, Partner
T: +48 601 934 173 M:

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International desks

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Get in touch

Jolanta Jackowiak

Partner, International Liaison Director

Get in touch

Jolanta Jackowiak

Partner, International Liaison Director

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