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Almost one fourth of companies in Poland plans to hire Ukrainian workers within the next year, other foreigners are also being taken into consideration in the demanding job market. How to hire a foreigner in accordance with applicable regulations in 2021?

We are pleased to present the next edition of the “Purple Guide” – a series of analyzes in which we discuss important and current issues for entrepreneurs.

In the current study, we present the general rules for the legal employment of foreigners in Poland – listed below – in connection with the growing scale of economic immigration to our country, especially by Ukrainian citizens, as well as during the upcoming increased seasonal work – in summer and autumn.

Grant Thornton HR and payroll experts share their knowledge, and the culmination of the whole is a commentary by Monika Smulewicz – labour law expert who oversees the handling of hundreds of projects, including, inter alia, employment of foreigners.

Part 1 – The ABC of Employing Foreigners 2021

This guide is the first part of the publication on employing foreigners in the company (edition 2021). We answer in it, inter alia, to the following questions:

  1. What is worth determining before employing a foreigner in Poland?
  2. On what basis can foreigners stay and work in Poland, and when they do not need a special permit?
  3. What are the criteria for refusing a work permit for a foreigner in Poland?
  4. How much are the fees related to the application for employment of a foreigner in Poland?
  5. What tasks are imposed on the employer after employing a foreigner?
Employement of foreigners (part 1)
See presentation

Part 2 – “Employement of foreigners – selected issues”

  1. COVID regulations –extension of key time limits related to the legalization of employment and stay of foreigners; facilitation for entrepreneurs facing financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic; restrictions on crossing the border of the Republic of Poland.
  2. Step-by-step employment of a Ukrainian citizen – declaration procedure; obtaining a work permit; entrusting seasonal work; settlements related to social insurance and income tax.
  3. Consequences of Brexit – how to get legal employment in the United Kingdom after 1 October 2021.
Employement of foreigners (part 2)
See presentation

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