GrantThornton - regions

Grant Thornton advised on sale of 100% shares of Systell to Focus Telecom, portfolio company of the MCI

We are pleased to announce that the Grant Thornton team acted as financial transaction advisor to the owners of Systell in the process of selling 100% of the company to Focus Telecom, a portfolio company of the MCI Capital fund.

As part of the transaction, our team provided support to the seller at all stages of the transaction process, including the preparation of information materials about Systell, identification and contact with potential investors, negotiation of initial offers, support in due diligence and negotiation of the financial aspects of the transaction documentation.

Systell, a company founded in 2004, is the developer and provider of Systell Contact Center, a contact center platform monetized in a SaaS model. Systell’s software is used by more than 200 subscribers, and the company has been steadily increasing its revenue for many years.

Focus Telecom is a leading provider of contact center solutions in the Polish market. In 2014, a fund owned by MCI Capital became a minority shareholder of the company, and after a period of rapid growth, in 2023 MCI Capital increased its involvement and became the owner of 80% of the company’s shares.

MCI Capital is one of the leaders in the Polish private equity market, primarily involved in the digital and climatech sectors. The buyout of Systell shares is the 110th investment in the fund’s history.

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