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Grant Thornton advised on sale of 80% stake of Hadepol Flexo to Coveris

We are pleased to announce, that Grant Thornton acted as an exclusive M&A advisor to the shareholders of Hadepol Flexo in the sale of 80% of shares in the company’s shares to Coveris, an Austria-based packaging manufacturer backed by Sun Capital Partners. The current owners of Hadepol Flexo will remain as 20% shareholders and will be involved in further development of the company in the Coveris Group.

As part of the transaction, we provided comprehensive and multidisciplinary support in the financial, legal, and tax areas. We guided the sellers and the company through all stages of the transaction process, including preparation of information materials about the company, identification and contact with potential investors, negotiation of initial offers, support in due diligence of the company as well as negotiation of financial, business, tax and legal aspects of the transaction, including the drafting of the share purchase agreement and the remaining transactional documentation.

"The packaging industry has been consolidating in various segments for many years, as evidenced by the consistently emerging market information about deals done. Hadepol Flexo has also been on investors' radar for the past few years. However, during this time, the current owners diligently pursued their chosen development strategy, improving EBITDA from around 5.5 million PLN in 2018 to approximately 18.5 million PLN in 2023. The company still holds significant growth potential, which is why the Gumowski family remains in the company as a minority shareholder to further develop the business within the Coveris Group. We are delighted to have had the privilege of collaborating with the owners of Hadepol Flexo on such an important venture."

Hadepol Flexo is a leading manufacturer of sustainable film and paper packagings in Poland specializing in the production of packaging with custom printing on polypropylene, polyethylene film and paper, primarily for bakeries, confectioneries, meat processing plants, and grocery stores. The Company operates in two production facilities located in Rypin and employs over 160 people.

Coveris is a leading European packaging company backed by Sun Capital Partners. It manufactures flexible packaging solutions for some of the world’s most respected brands, producing a wide range of products – from food to pet food, medical goods to industrial and agricultural products. With the Corporate Office in Vienna, Coveris Group has 29 sites in the EMEA region, with a total of 4,000 employees.

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