GrantThornton - regions

Advisory services

Grant Thornton’s advisory services are designed so as to support business managers and owners in continuous business development. By being an independent provider operating within an international organisation, we offer an impartial view necessary to evaluate the success factors of a joint project in an impartial and holistic manner.

Development strategies and business models

  • What we can do for you?

    We will help you formulate proper development strategies and well-designed business models, that can guarantee success in every organisation.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    At Grant Thornton, we design development strategies and create business models tailored to our clients’ needs and challenges so that they stand a real chance of implementation.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

Business transformation and organisational improvements

  • What we can do for you?

    Business transformation (restructuring, reorganisation, integration) and organisational improvements have one thing in common – they involve change leading to benefits for the organisation and its owners.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    Experts from Grant Thornton, relying on many years’ business practice in implementing improvements in organisations and management, can advise you on what to improve in your organisation and how, so as to support and guarantee successful achievement of strategic and operational goals, and to maximise the achievable synergies.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

Project and programme management

  • What we can do for you?

    By applying the project management approach in your organisation, you can successfully implement a broad spectrum of undertakings aimed at fulfilling the internal needs of the organisation or those of its clients – whether small and simple or large and highly complicated.

  • Scope of project management at Grant Thornton

    • Project maturity assessment of your organisation
    • Dedicated project management methodologies
    • Accredited project management certification training
    • Executive search for project managers
  • Contact us

    Dobrochna Ciosek, Senior Manager
    M: +48 603 114 594

Human capital development

  • What we can do for you?

    Faced with dynamic changes in the market, every organisation should undertake intelligent measures related to human capital management and design the relevant resource management system – putting in place not only good working conditions, but more importantly growth opportunities for the employees.

  • Scope of project management at Grant Thornton

    • building competence models
    • improving incentive systems
    • career development programmes
  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

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Business cost optimisation

  • What we can do for you?

    Our cost optimisation service is intended as a comprehensive review of your expenses on corporate purchases, which allows us to devise and implement measures aimed at cost efficiencies in this respect.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    In the course of our cooperation, we will help you identify your genuine requirements for products and services and formulate your organisation’s purchasing strategy. By employing our analyses of the supply market and many years’ experience, we can make sure that the scope of the cost optimisation project is tailored to your individual needs.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

Business process optimisation

  • What are benefits of process optimisation?

    Business process optimisation is vitally important for every company in the process of building competitive advantage in the market. It makes for the optimal use of resources of the enterprise which, in effect, translates into improved profitability and production capacity.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    In the course of our cooperation, we will help you identify your genuine requirements for products and services and formulate your organisation’s purchasing strategy. By employing our analyses of the supply market and many years’ experience, we can make sure that the scope of the cost optimisation project is tailored to your individual needs.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

Optimisation of logistics, warehouse and production processes

  • What are benefits of optimisation of logistics?

    Many businesses regard logistics as merely a cost centre. However, optimisation of logistics, warehouse and production processes may give your business a sustainable competitive advantage, boosting performance, improving cash flows and, ultimately, cutting down business costs.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    We apply the DMAIC approach. It is a structured set of tools and analytical methods used to map and analyse processes and to define the root causes of inefficiencies. At the beginning we Define the project, then proceed to Measure and Map the existing processes. This enables us to identify the bottlenecks. Afterwards, we proceed to Analyse and Improve (find solutions). All that is left then is to Control the results.

  • Contact us

    Małgorzata Kuik, Partner
    M: +48 603 668 125

Financial risk management

  • What we can do for you?

    The Financial Risk Management team provides comprehensive support in the measurement of financial instruments, market risk neutralisation, price negotiations for hedging transactions and putting in place risk management infrastructure. We specialise in practical applications of derivatives for maximising revenues and minimising business costs.

  • Why Grant Thornton?

    Grant Thornton’s team of experts will show you how and at what prices to hedge interest rate risk arising out of funding agreements. We will help you gain full control over margins in ongoing treasury management activities. Moreover, with our tools and experience, value measurement of derivative instruments, and therefore hedge accounting, becomes easier and more enjoyable.

  • Contact us

    Grzegorz Taraszkiewicz-Sirocki, Associate Partner
    M: +48 661 538 524

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Advisory services

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