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Grant Thornton M&A Team advised on sale of InterKadra and Grupa IK to Synergie

We are pleased to announce the signing of the agreement for the sale of InterKadra and Grupa IK (hereinafter referred to jointly as the InterKadra or the Group) to Synergie, which took place on September 27, 2022.

As part of the transaction the Grant Thornton M&A advisory team acted as an exclusive advisor to the owners of InterKadra, providing comprehensive and multidisciplinary support in the financial and legal area. Our specialists have guided the Sellers and the Group through all stages of the transaction process, including, among others, preparation of information materials about the InterKadra, identification and contact with potential investors, negotiation of initial offers, support in due diligence of the Group, preparation of the SPA and other transaction documents as well as negotiation of financial, business and legal aspects of the transaction.

InterKadra is one of the leaders in the temporary staffing sector on the Polish market, with a network of 16 branches across the most dynamic regions of the country. The Group also provides staffing services for major clients in Western Europe as well as home care services in Germany. The Group generates ca. PLN 250 m revenues and ca. PLN 15 m EBITDA. InterKadra is also the sole owner of IK France SARL. Thanks to the transaction, InterKadra has acquired a strategic investor with whom it will continue to grow.

Synergie is an international group providing companies and institutions with global human resources management and development services: recruitment, temporary employment, training and consultancy. Ranked fifth among the industry leaders in Europe, Synergie has more than 4 600 employees throughout France and in 17 countries abroad. Synergie is actively pursuing its development in Europe by getting a foothold in the largest Eastern European market and by strengthening its sourcing capacities.

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