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E-commerce is definitely on the rise in Poland. More and more entrepreneurs launch their online stores as number of consumers choosing on-line shopping is steadily increasing – already 77% of the Poles buy on-line.

This short article aims to provide information about the Polish e-commerce market, which can be helpful while considering starting a business in Poland.

E-commerce market in Poland

Value of Polish e-commerce market is approximately 92 billion PLN (19,5 billion EUR, 21 billion USD) and is estimated to be one of the fastest growing in Europe. Already 77% of the Polish buy online and there has been 12% raise in the group of 60+. Naturally, the trends in this matter accelerated during pandemics. Most frequently chosen products are, as in most other countries, clothing, accessories, shoes and cosmetics. Additionally, smartphone is being used to shop online equally often as a computer.

The e-commerce market in Poland, despite being definitely promising, is also very competitive, as there are already approximately 55.000 on-line stores and the marketplace sector is occupied by the dominant players, largest of which is Allegro.

A characteristic feature of the Polish market is very strong presence of parcel lockers developed primarily by Polish InPost, and frequently chosen by the consumers instead of standards courier delivery – approximately 81% of on-line buyers indicate parcel lockers as most commonly used type of delivery.

New trends are also present in Poland, such as q-commerce, as many key market players invest in new channels.

General market situation

Due to high inflation and interest rates, the purchasing power of the Polish most probably will decrease in the next few years. On the other hand, Poland guests approximately 3,5 million Ukrainians, many of which arrived in the period of last 12 months due to Russian aggression on Ukraine. From retail sail perspective, this factor has, on the other hand, broadened the potential customers market.

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Other perspective

The e-commerce market is obviously not the only way to develop a retail business in Poland. Many companies lean towards physical stores and concentrate on development in these area (Primark for example). Also, due to the high competitiveness of marketplace sector, large Asian marketplace Shopee announced that it closes its business in Poland after a year from launching.

Legal requirements

Not only entrepreneurs based in Poland are obliged to follow Polish legal regulations concerning e-commerce and consumer protection. This duty regards also any company or individual which directs its commercial activities to Polish customers. Therefore intention to sale products on-line in Poland require prior legal preparation.

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Despite being based on common EU regulations, Polish consumer law has multiple fields in which different or more detailed obligations are imposed on entrepreneurs. Additionally, the practice of relevant authorities shall be also taken into account.

Polish e-commerce market is rising and Poland remains interesting place for investors and companies searching for new business opportunities. However launching the business in Poland requires preparation, in particular in terms of legal advisory.

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