We are pleased to announce that our M&A legal advisory team participated in another, successfully completed, international transaction. This time our experts supported Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowe “UTECH” Sp. z o.o. in the sale of all shares in Power Engineering Transformatory Sp. z o.o. to the Croatian business partner – KONČAR DISTRIBUTIVNI I SPECIJALNI TRANSFORMATORI D.D.
The scope of legal advisory services provided by Grant Thornton included the development of a share purchase agreement and accompanying transaction documentation, participation in negotiations and support in closing of the transaction. A significant part of the transaction process was carried out in the conditions of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, which, however, did not prevent our advisors from acting efficiently and effectively.
Subject of the transaction | Shares in POWER ENGINEERING TRANSFORMATORY Sp. z o.o. |
Seller | Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowe UTECH Sp. z o.o. |
Business branch | Production of transformers |
Transaction value | Undisclosed |
Grant Thornton's role | Sell-side legal advisory |
Characteristic | The final stage of the joint venture established in 2017 |
Check Mergers and acquisitions Grant Thornton
Attorney-at-law, head of mergers and acquisitions legal advisory of Grant Thornton Legal, managing the project
Our satisfaction is all the greater as the legal advisory services in the transaction we provided constituted another chapter of our cooperation with UTECH, initiated in 2017. At that time, the Client trusted Grant Thornton for the first time, entrusting our lawyers and tax advisors with advisory services in the process of division of a subsidiary by separating an organized part of the enterprise related to the production of transformers and transferring it to Power Engineering Transformatory Sp. z o.o. As part of the next stage of the project, together with our business advisors we provided support in the sale of the part of the shares in the latter company to a Croatian investor, as well as the development and negotiation of an agreement regulating the principles of cooperation between the shareholders.
Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowe UTECH Sp. z o.o. based in Poznań is a company established in 1986, specializing in financial intermediation services. It is one of the oldest business entities operating on the financial services market in Poland.
KONČAR DISTRIBUTIVNI AND SPECIAL TRANSFORMATORS D.D. based in Zagreb belongs to a Croatian capital group with a global reach, whose main area of business activity is the production of equipment and installations for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. The KONČAR Group exports its products to over 100 countries around the world, maintaining business relations with contractors from all continents.