PIT-2: declarations and requests included in the new form, which will take effect from January 2023

The PIT-2 in the new version is a form that will enable an employee to submit simultaneously to his or her employer several declarations and requests affecting the monthly tax advances calculated by the employer and, consequently, may have an impact on the employee's annual return (legal basis: Article 31a(2) of the Act on Personal Income Tax).

The PIT-2 in the new version is a form that will enable an employee to submit simultaneously to his or her employer several declarations and requests affecting the monthly tax advances calculated by the employer and, consequently, may have an impact on the employee's annual return (legal basis: Article 31a(2) of the Act on Personal Income Tax).

Cross-border secondment of workers

This post launches our series of articles on “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees”. In this series we will present the most important…

This post launches our series of articles on “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees”. In this series we will present the most important…

Secondment and delegation – Polish regulations

The second of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” focuses on separation of two different concepts – secondment to…

The second of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” focuses on separation of two different concepts – secondment to…

Employee seconded to work in Poland

The third of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” focuses on the situation of seconding an employee to Poland.…

  • Important topics

The third of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” focuses on the situation of seconding an employee to Poland.…

Employee abroad – taxes in Poland

The fourth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment” presents the situation of an employee seconded from Poland to work abroad…

  • Important topics

The fourth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment” presents the situation of an employee seconded from Poland to work abroad…

Secondment – social and health insurance

The fifth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” concerns the rules of social and health insurance obligations for…

The fifth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” concerns the rules of social and health insurance obligations for…

Secondment – documentation

In the sixth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” we present the obligation of the employer to keep…

In the sixth of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” we present the obligation of the employer to keep…

Secondment – double taxation agreements

The seventh of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” concerns the problem of seconding employees in the context of…

  • Important topics

The seventh of the publications in series “12 Rules of the Cross-Border Secondment of Employees” concerns the problem of seconding employees in the context of…