GrantThornton - regions

Our M&A legal advisory team has participated in another successfully completed international transaction. Namely, our experts had the pleasure of providing legal support to HAVELLÄNDISCHE EISENBAHN AG (HVLE) in the transaction process, consisting in a sale of railway vehicles to a Polish rail carrier. The scope of Grant Thornton’s legal advisory covered participation in the preparation of transaction documentation including, inter alia, the agreement on the sale of assets.

Subject of the transaction Sale of railway vehicles
Buyer Undisclosed
Industry Rail transport
Value of the transaction Undisclosed
Grant Thornton’s role Legal advisory on the Seller’s side


HVLE, a German company operating in the rail transport sector has a business tradition that dates back to the late 19th century. Over the years of activity in the field of railway infrastructure, offering logistic, maintenance and advisory services, HVLE has developed an established position both on the German and international market. Today, HVLE, with over 50 locomotives and 850 freight wagons, belongs to the capital group that operates the largest privately managed marshalling yard in Germany.

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