Renata Art-Franke

Partner, Certified auditor


Renata has worked at audit firms since the beginning of her professional career. She gained experience, first taking part in financial statement audits as an assistant to the statutory auditor and ultimately leading the audit department. Renata joined the Grant Thornton team in 2008.

She specialises in audits and reviews of separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements of groups of companies, including listed companies. Her role in the team is to resolve emerging issues, verify completed works and make final decisions on the shape and type of documents delivered to the client.

Graduate of the University of Economics in Katowice. A statutory auditor since 2004.

Selected clients: Atal, Archicom, AWBUD, Bać-Pol, Centrum Badań Jakości (KGHM Group), Conteyor, Donako, Kolporter, Oshee, Rafako, Ryłko, X-KOM, Work Service.

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