Grzegorz Taraszkiewicz-Sirocki

Associate Partner


Owner at HFI Solutions Grzegorz Taraszkiewicz-Sirocki. FX options trader since 1998 – Head of FX Options in BRE Bank followed by BPH Bank. In 2006-2007 responsible for FX, interest rates trading and liquidity in HSCB Bank Polska. From the end of 2007 up until May 2013 worked for BZWBK in three roles. Initially, as the Chief Dealer in the Wholesales Treasury Department followed by the Head of Derivatives Sales and finally as the Head of Solutions in the Treasury Services Department (part of Santander Global Banking & Markets). Responsible for multi-assets customer capital optimization ideas regarding Treasury Sales, Credits, Corporate Investment Banking, Retail Banking and cross-selling process of Treasury products.

The Investment Structured FX-linked Deposits – the business that he was responsible for in the Treasury – was awarded from in the competition ‘Europe – Structured Products Awards 2012‘ in category ‘Best Manufacturer: Currencies, Poland‘. Organized and took part as a speaker at a wide range of conferences with honourable business partners and ratings agencies. In addition, he undertook activities in the commodity and equity derivatives implementation process.

Grzegorz is an experienced guest lecturer at Warsaw University (Economics Department), as well as at the Bank Dealers Forum organized by ACI Poland. Former member of the Commission for Professionalism at ACI Poland. Winner of the Second Award for Best Master’s Thesis in a national competition organized on the occasion of BRE Bank’s 10th Anniversary. Graduated from Uniwersytet Warszawski in Warsaw, Department of Economic Sciences.